This week in Maths we have been working on Perimeter. In PE we designed a rectangular running track 6 metres long and 5 metres wide. We worked out the perimeter of the track was 22 metres. In teams we all completed 10 laps - this means we ran 220 metres!
In Maths this week we have been comparing lengths, measuring how our height, our size of feet and how far we can jump in order to see if there is a link.
Year 3 are really enjoying their book Krindlekrax. The book has some really funny characters, such as Mr. Lace, Ruskin and Elvis. This week we are creating a brand new character for the book.
Year 3 are currently loving the book Krindlekrax by Philip Ridley. The book is very exciting and includes an escaped crocodile! It's a great adventure with some amazing characters.'
This week Year 3 have been learning how important it is to tell the time accurately. We have been learning the time to five minutes, am and pm and also using digital clocks.
This week we have finished our Advent Calendar finding out about how children in different parts of the world celebrate Christmas. We found out some amazing facts such as in Japan, many people's Christmas dinner is KFC whereas in Venezuela many roads are closed on Christmas Day so that people ca...
'On Tuesday afternoon, as part of their RE Topic on Visitors, Year 3 were making a Jesse tree. As part of this we each designed a special Jesse tree symbol on a keyring.'
'To celebrate the beginning of Advent Year 3 are opening a special 'Christmas Around the World' Advent Calendar, finding out about the different ways in which people all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. There's a chocolate and a candy cane for the person chosen to open th...
On Tuesday Year 3 and 4 enjoyed a special showing of the film Migration at the O2 Cinema. We arrived at the O2 just in time to pick the best seats and although the film lasted over an hour and a half it was so entertaining the time just flew by. Everybody really enjoyed the film! We were very lucky...
On Monday afternoon, Year 3 had a lovely time at the Library meeting Mo O’Hara, an author, who has written a series of books including Honey’s Hive. The children learned how to dance like a bee, and they were asked to help design a cover for her next book – some of the pictur...
This week we have been revising our 4x tables and learning our 8xtables for the first time .... we want to be ready for the National Tables Tests at the end of Year 4; going for the Premier League!!