Friday 17th January 2025

Year 6 had a very busy week this week. In Science this week Year 6 have been studying Nutrition and the Circulatory system. They learnt about the four components of blood and how each cell works in the body. In Maths, the children continued to work on decimals and percentages and focused on correcting any misconceptions from previous arithmetic papers. It’s been great to see everyone improving their understanding and getting more confident with tricky concepts.
This week, we have been learning about the Jewish festivals of Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year – and Yom Kippur.
We created informative leaflets and fact files about the meanings behind these festivals and the foods they eat, such as apples dipped in honey and pomegranates. We made beautiful greeting cards for the festival and posters advertising Mitzvah Days, encouraging people to get involved.